At WashU, a success for one is a success for all. We have a number of university and school-based resources and centers to help you on your journey.

University resources
Taylor Family Center for Student Success
The Taylor Family Center for Student Success in Student Affairs creates an infrastructure of support to assist WashU students with their transition to and through college.
The Center for Career Engagement
The Center for Career Engagement provides career coaching and planning; career assessment and skills training; and access to a global community of leaders, recruiters, influencer networks, and WashU alumni.
The Graduate Center
The Graduate Center is a resource dedicated to graduate and professional students across all schools at WashU. We encourage students to foster a sense of interdisciplinarity and to develop social and intellectual communities among their peers.
The Learning Center
The Learning Center has professional staff and hundreds of peer mentors, leaders and coaches that collaborate with campus partners to provide undergraduates with the support and resources they need to enhance their intellectual development and academic experience.
The Writing Center
The Writing Center provides free one-on-one writing tutorials to all WashU students (graduate and undergraduate). We also offer a variety of writing workshops designed to help you become a better writer.
The Speaking Studio
The Speaking Studio can help speakers at any stage of the process – from generating ideas to developing a speaking outline to planning visual aids. Speakers can also practice their presentations, with one of our trained tutors serving as their audience.
Fellowship Advising
WashU provides specialized advising for undergraduates, graduate students, and alumni to identify and apply for national and international fellowships and scholarships.
Faculty Associates and Faculty Fellows
The Faculty Associate/Fellows Program is designed to provide faculty-student interaction outside of the classroom setting. Faculty Fellows are faculty members – and, often, their families – who agree to live in Residential Colleges during the academic year.

School-based resources
Every student has at least one academic adviser in their school or department to be a cheerleader and guide. Some schools have additional resources for their students.