University Council (UC) comprises leaders responsible for key academic and administrative units, provides strategic and operational guidance to the chancellor and UC colleagues on challenges and opportunities related to the mission of the university. UC members are charged with carrying out this responsibility through discussion that places emphasis on inclusion of broad perspectives, collaboration, transparency, and thoughtful engagement of expertise from across the leadership team with the goal of advancing and building consensus around strategic priorities.

University Council meets regularly during the academic year and includes both the academic leaders and the managers of the administrative and support areas vital to education, research and service missions of the university.

Andrew D. Martin



Beverly R. Wendland

Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

Pamella A. Henson

Executive Vice Chancellor for University Advancement

Nichol L. Luoma

Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief Administrative Officer

David H. Perlmutter

Executive Vice Chancellor for Medical Affairs and Dean, School of Medicine

Eva Marie Aagaard

Vice Chancellor for Medical Education

Monica J. Allen

Vice Chancellor and General Counsel

Asquith S. “Sean” Armstrong

Dean, School of Continuing & Professional Studies

Dennis Barbour

Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Chair, Faculty Senate Council

J. Gregory Barrett

Vice Chancellor for Biomedical Strategy, Marketing & Communications

Aaron F. Bobick

Dean, McKelvey School of Engineering

Rebecca L. Brown

Vice Chancellor for Strategic Initiatives and University Governance

J.D. Burton

Vice Chancellor for Government and Community Relations

Kia Caldwell

Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs and Diversity

Mimi Calter

Vice Provost and University Librarian

Carmon Colangelo

Dean, Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts

James Dwyer

Vice Chancellor for University Services

Julie Hail Flory

Vice Chancellor for Marketing & Communications

Sandro Galea

Margaret C. Ryan Dean of the School of Public Health, and the Eugene S. and Constance Kahn Distinguished Professor in Public Health

Apryle M. Gladney

Interim Vice Chancellor and Chief Human Resources Officer

Anna Gonzalez

Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs

David J. Gray

Interim Senior Vice Chancellor and Chief Financial Officer

Feng Sheng Hu

Dean, Arts & Sciences

Andrew Knight

Executive Director, George and Carol Bauer Leaders Academy & Senior Advisor to the Chancellor for Leadership

Stefanie A. Lindquist

Dean, School of Law

Mark Lowe

Vice Chancellor for Research and Interim Associate Dean for Research at the School of Medicine

Michael J. Mazzeo

Dean, Olin Business School

Mary McKernan McKay

Executive Vice Provost

Jessie Minton

Vice Chancellor & Chief Information Officer

Vijay Ramani

Vice Provost for Graduate Education and International Affairs

Gwendalyn J. Randolph

Emil R. Unanue Distinguished Professor

Jennifer R. Smith

Vice Provost for Educational Initiatives

Richard J. Stanton

Vice Chancellor for Medical Finance and Administration

Dorian Traube

Dean, Brown School

Ronné Patrick Turner

Vice Provost for Admissions & Financial Aid

Lisa Weingarth

Senior Advisor to the Chancellor and Executive Director, “In St. Louis, For St. Louis” Initiative