Office of the Chancellor
Appointed WashU’s 15th chancellor by the university’s Board of Trustees in July 2018, Andrew D. Martin is responsible for all day-to-day operations as the university’s chief executive officer. As chancellor, he leads approximately 16,000 faculty and staff and 15,000 students, and oversees a total operating budget of $3.5 billion.

Office of the Provost
As chief academic officer, Beverly R. Wendland works to improve the university community by establishing university-wide initiatives for curriculum, diversity, and global outreach. The provost oversees teaching, learning, scholarship, and research across the university.
Learn more about the chancellor:
Learn more about the provost:
Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees is the chief governing body of WashU. As such, the Board provides strategic oversight in order to ensure the institution is moving in the right direction. Led by Chair Andrew M. Bursky and composed of leaders from various professions, the Board authorizes many important aspects of university operations, including appointing the chancellor, approving annual budgets, and any major expenditures.
Advisory Bodies
The cabinet comprises university administrative leaders and provides strategic and operational guidance to the chancellor on challenges and opportunities related to the university’s mission.
University Council
Comprising leaders responsible for key academic and administrative units, the University Council (UC) provides strategic and operational guidance to the chancellor and UC colleagues on challenges and opportunities related to the mission of the university.