Past Chancellors Please explore the brief biographical sketches of the chancellors within the historical context of the challenges and accomplishments of their eras. Joseph Gordon Hoyt First Chancellor, 1858-62 William Chauvenet Second Chancellor, 1862-69 William Greenleaf Eliot Third Chancellor, 1870-87 Winfield Scott Chaplin Fourth Chancellor, 1891-1907 David F. Houston Fifth Chancellor, 1908-17 Frederic Aldin Hall Sixth Chancellor, 1913-23 Herbert S. Hadley Seventh Chancellor, 1923-27 George R. Throop Eighth Chancellor, 1927-44 Arthur Holly Compton Ninth Chancellor, 1945-53 Ethan A.H. Shepley Tenth Chancellor, 1953-61 Carl Tolman Eleventh Chancellor, 1961-62 Thomas H. Eliot Twelfth Chancellor, 1962-71 William H. Danforth Thirteenth Chancellor, 1971-95 Mark S. Wrighton Fourteenth Chancellor, 1995 – 2019